30°F/ Feb 9 2025

Our Vision

We Exist to build a strong, dynamic, healthy church community in the lower Westchester County region, where people grow in their relationship with God and others, to the glory and praise of Christ.

Our Mission

Proclaiming the Truth without Compromise: In a day where many churches have caved into popular culture and shifting trends of society, we believe in the fundamental truths of the bible. We believe if God is going to transform lives and bring people to faith, we must accurately and clearly communicate what God says in His Word. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached in its fullness, teaching both repentance of sin and faith in Christ.

Personal Spiritual Development: We believe it’s the local church’s responsibility not just to preach the gospel, but to apply the gospel to everyday life. The gospel permeates every aspect of our being, and Jesus taught us that the church is to “make disciples of nations” (Matt. 28:19-20) which means we are committed to providing ministries that are dedicated to building up believers in the faith through biblical instruction.

Relationships: We like to think of ourselves as family and not just an organization. We live in a fast paced society where forming lasting relationships is at the very least a challenge. At Grace and Truth, we want to be a place where people build lasting relationships based on the gospel of Christ. That is because only when people live by the principles of the gospel can lasting relationships be achieved. Our moto is unity on the essentials, diversity on the non- essentials and in all things- love. We believe that as Christians we are called to live in peace with one another, to love one another and to build each other up in the faith regardless of our past, socio-economic backgrounds or ethnicity.

On a Mission: As our church community enjoys the benefits of a relationship with Christ and each other, we make it our goal to invite others to share in these blessings. At Grace and Truth we recognize that all believers have the responsibility and mandate to win souls for Jesus. We believe that we communicate the message of the gospel by our words and our deeds. As God’s ambassadors we are given the message of the gospel to spread to all those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We are also to win souls for Jesus by the example of godliness in our personal lives. At Grace and Truth, the gospel is not just expressed from our lips but from our lives “so that in every way we will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.” Titus 2:10